
You must always win this one !!!! The pup must stand on the grooming table for the majority of the time. This is easiest on all concerned and also a great benefit for a Veterinarian in the future when he is examining the dog.
It is a great opportunity for you to do a good exam on him for cuts, ticks and any developing skin problems or strange bumps. Brush the coat, using firm pressure from the root of the tail to the top of the head, brushing toward the tail. Then, brush from the head to the tail, going toward the head, so that all the hair is standing up, then reverse the process to lay the coat back down again. Follow this procedure on the legs, starting at the top of the leg and working toward the foot, brushing down to the foot. Then, starting at the foot, brush up toward the body, and then go back down from the top to the bottom, to lay the coat back down. Don't forget to brush the tail and the ears as well. If you can run the comb through the coat when you are finished, you have done a good job !!!! We lay the dog on his side or back to brush the belly and chest.This is a good exercise in establishing your dominance again since he is in the submissive position.. Insist that the pup lay quietly while you do this, and do win this argument. Don't be alarmed by the appearance of dandruff at this time.Stress makes the dandruff pop out, but usually it is due to dry air in the winter, and lack of proper nutrition.Most commercial dog foods do not contains any oils, which the dog needs for a healthy coat, so add a teaspoon of olive, flax or corn oil to his food. If your pup is one of the 'coated' breeds that will require regular clippering and scissoring like Poodles, Cockers, Shih Tzus, Kerry Blues, Soft-Coated Wheatens, Schnauzers etc. then it is very important that they be taken to the Grooming Shop for their first trim after they have had their 2nd set of shots - at about 12 -14 weeks of age. It is like introducing your child to the dentist BEFORE the cavity develops to develop confidence and security.The pup needs to be introduced to professional grooming BEFORE his coat is a matted mess. Speaking of dentists :-)) You should get a dog toothbrush and doggy toothpaste from your Vet and begin daily toothbrush sessions on your pup while he's still young. Have your Vet demonstrate proper brushing for you. You must not use human toothpaste - there is too much abrasive content for the thin enamel on dogs teeth. Brushing daily starting while they're young prevents major problems in later years.